numpy study begin

After finishing the initial learning of code about python in winter holiday, I start to learn numpy in order to help future data analysis while doing project. Numpy is a computer tool which can create arrays, get single elements from arrays, stitch and split arrays and much more. Compared with simple codes I learned before, it is much complicated to write with Numpy.

However, practice makes perfect. Suggested by our teacher who can be an expert in coding, he clarifies that skills of coding can be practiced through muscle memory.

Here comes our firsst lesson:


what comes after is much more comlicated data analysis.

What impressed me again at class is a statement from our teacher. He clarified the necessity of computer analysis again as he made a comparison between this and excel. He mentioned that Excel may go crush when there are thousands of sets of data, but computer can be used for the period of Big Data. The use for evidences and data in any fields’ research is inevitable.


This is an visible gram of a 2-D continuous function:


We can also make a division of data extent:


How to make the neighbor node clear and visible:


Frankly, everthing about code and numpy is complicated for me. I am trying my best to memorize these codes and try to utilize in the future cases that i may meet.