my new year of 2020

In the year of 2020, I continue to study in Nanjing Foreign language school – BCA. As a new start, I would like to make a summary of my 2019 and hope to get something I can make a progression on. Moreover, I want to set up some goals for my future grade 11 and 12 study, which will help my university study as well.

First of all, I tried to improve my academic ability in 2019 as a high school student. I finish reading the book called taking side – the global issue and make mind maps for some articles I am interested in. I keep studying for TOEFL and maintain the GPA in a stable level.

What is more, I keep participating debate in NHSDLC, which is one of my favorite activities. What is exciting, I achieved the championship in the Nanjing tournament 2019 of NHSDLC and it is my pleasure to see the achievement with after so much effort.

In 2020, besides these things I always insist on, I will start the learning of AP and try to pass the test of TOEFL. This means I will try to adapt my ability to be close to university level as well, including my academic skill as researching, reading, writing and analysis.

I will alternate work with rest as well. I plan to watch some musical drama I like and travel some places I have never been to, which is always my pursuit.